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Guangdong Integration of Informatization and Industrialization Communication Meeting Held in Greatoo

Createtime:2015-04-16Source:Jieyan News NetEdit:

Attendees visited the industrial robot workshop in intelligent equipment industrial park of Greatoo

Two industrial robots flexibly performed lion dance, such as bending, swinging, shaking and winking and enjoyed high appreciation from audience. On October 31 2014, Guandong integration system of informatization and industrialization communication meeting (Jieyang’s turn) was held in Greatoo . Over 160 attendees from Jieyang, Shantou, Shanwei, Chaozhou and Meizhou visited the industrial robot workshop of intelligent equipment industrial park and watched industrial robots from very close distance under the guidance of Chaozhong Wu, the chairman of the board of GreatooInc.

In order to carry out the Guangdong Integration System of Informatization and Industrialization Pilot Project and Guangdong  Integration of Informatization and Industrialization implementation Plan, promote experience exchange between pilot enterprises and transformation from traditional industries to information service industries, strengthen enterprises ability of integrating informatization and industrialization and ensure some pilot enterprises meet the national standards  at the end of 2014, Guangdong Economy and Information Committee and local governments held integration system of informatization and industrialization meeting in some cities, such as Jieyang, Shantou, Shanwei, Chaozhou and Meizhou. In Jieyang, the meeting was held in Greatoo. The meeting conveyed the value of learning from relative meetings about integration and gave directions of the pilot project. In this meeting, the first number of pilot enterprises and service organizations signed contracts in order to promote the communication and transformation between information service and traditional industries.
As one of the pilot enterprises, GreatooInc has followed the idea of developing the system of modern industries and promoting the integration of informatization and industrialization, persisted in digital management, automatic production and international products,completed information construction, independently invented and implemented practical information system and obtained obvious achievements in information management. Nowadays, GreatooInc has become the biggest and leading industry of producing meridian tire molds, national key enterprise of high technology, national enterprise model of innovation and Guangdong top 100 Chinese private companies. Besides, with strong competitive ability, GreatooInc has been the starting point of national standard tire mold industry and developed four industrial, such as tire mold, hydraulic vulcanizing machine,  numerical control tool and industrial robot. At the same time, GreatooInc has set up wholly-owned subsidiary in India, had joint stock of German OPS and finished the merger of American Northeast Tire Mold Corporation, which shows its international competitive ability.
During the report, Wu said that according to the market needs and under the direction of information departments, GreatooInc will continue to strengthen its competitive ability and integrate informatization and industrialization in order to promote the integration to management system and seize the opportunity at the benefits of the integration system.

From Jieyan News Net
Reporters: Rongxin Wang, Yu Bai, Guiqing Yang
November 1 2014

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