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GreatooInc Implemented Merger through the Second Start-up of Industrial Robots

Createtime:2015-04-06Source:Sina FinanceEdit:
On the first World Robots and Intelligent Equipment Industries Conference and Exhibition, GreatoooInc presented many newest industrial robots like 6-DOF robots weighed 50kg and 20kg and announced that the company will produce high precision sorting robots which can be used in food safety and medicine.
Xuxu Zheng, the president of GreatooInc said: “The automation degree of curing press is high enough to be used with robots. Therefore,  the automatic vulcanizing producing line will be developed.”
Other companies said that the recent industry 4.0 reflects more on digital integration of information and production technology and intelligent manufacturing, which is called the best way to advanced manufacturing industry. Some traditional industries also realized industry transformation through the combination of upgraded industrial technology.
GreatooInc’s Start-up of robots
It’s said by the staff that robots play an important role in GreatooInc’s second start-up. Besides, the company intends to promote the robots’economy over the sum of tire molds and curing press. And the development of robot industry will be divided into ten years.
GreatooInc has established Robot Division in June 2013 in order to transform to "Made with Technology".  Nowadays, the company has mastered the key technology of producing high precision RV reducers.
Other companies said that the degree of industrial robots’precision depends on RV reducers. However, the key technology of reducers,drivers and electric machine is controlled by foreign countries.
Chao Meng, the leader of GreatooInc State Enterprise Technology Center introduced: “The reducers of company are independently invented and have independent intelligent property right. What’s more, these reducers are applied in robots.” He also said that the reducers are comparable with foreign reducers and  attaina practical request  in precision, stability, durability and service life. “ However, the fact is that it is difficult to apply domestic RV reducers in producing industrial robots.
Recently, the first automatic process line of industrial robots, designed by GreatooInc, has been applied in Zhongce Rubber Corporation for the first time. Chao Meng positively estimated that in 2015, GreatooInc will carry out the solution of automation in tire industries. Many tire industries will follow Zhongce Rubber Corporation, the leading company in tire industries.
Some companies also think that for tire industries, the obvious advantage of robot process like is to reduce costs and solve the problem of employment.
GreatooInc Implemented Global Strategy at the help of Silicon Paradise
At the beginning of this month, GreatooInc signed M&A Financial Consultant Agreement with Silicon Paradise Asset Management Group(Abbreviated Silicon Paradise). Both parties intended to cooperate regarding strategic and capital markets and improve the merger of domestic and foreign enterprises in order to increase the production efficiency.
Xuxu Zheng said: “We hope that under the influence of Silicon Paradise, we can draw other strength like the merger from upsteam and downsteam industries to shorten weakness and increase global competitive ability.”
Actually, in 2011, GreatooInc has extended its industry overseas through participation in OPS and made the strategy of inventing in China, manufacturing overseas, selling in foreign countries and eventually covering all over the world.
“The process of extending GreatooInc has continued. Nowadays, the company has set up wholly-owned companies or merger companies in Asia, Europe and American. No matter in after-sales service or from other aspects, we will bring products more closer to customers in order to achieve lower price.” In Meng’s opinion, in terms of manufacturing, it is better to bring products more closer to customers. The so-called manufacturing overseas will be that factories are where we sell our products.

Sina Finance  Yiqing Xie  From Chengdu

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