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Workers from Other Provinces Went on Travels Greatoo’s Care Warmed the Spring Festival


  In order to celebrate the Spring Festival, Worker Support Center and Administrative Office held a “One Day Tour to Raoping, Chao Zhou for Workers from other provinces”. On the morning of February 10, workers who participated in this tour took the bus and started this wonderful journey that they had been looking forward to.

We arrived at our first destination---- Qinglan Geopark. The moment we entered the park, we were greatly attracted by geological wonders and exclaimed how skillful nature was: moulins of various colors stood still in the stream; impressive green waves together with water reflection accompanied the song of spring water’s gurgling. As we climbed the mountain along the stone steps, we laughed happily and took photos. When we got to the top of the mountains, we watched a breathtaking performance of high wire, which unnerved us greatly. Then, we visited Ming Qing Gu Zai which named after its construction time---Ming dynasty and Qing dynasty. Despite of several hundred years’ of wind and rain erosion and constant destruction of natural disasters,  Ming Qing Gu Zai is still well preserved. The earth buildings there, which is a rare architectural type in Chaoshan area, show a perfect combination of the architectures of Ming dynasty and Qing dynasty.

After lunch, we stared to visit Green Ireland Resort. Mountain springs and lakes, which covers 300 mu, surround mountains. The lakes and the hills add radiance and beauty to each other. Waters contribute to various scenery in the resort: lucid lakes, fancy carps and Mount Danxia of one hue, birds playing with the reflection of the bamboos. Some of us lingered on the beauty of natural scenery, while some of us had great fun in recreational facilities like ferris wheels and pirate ships.

We indulged ourselves in the charming scenery so much that we forgot to leave. Gradually, the evening came, signifying the end of the Raoping tour. Through this tour, we workers not only appreciated the beautiful natural scenery and indulged ourselves in the relaxation and pleasure of the tour, but also felt the company’s care to workers and their family members outside Guangdong who stayed in the factory during the Spring Festival.

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