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Greatoo Indian Company Carried Out ImplementationActivities of 6S


In order to further implement 6S on-site management throughout the company, the Ministry of Administration convened the heads of various departments and production team leaders at the beginning of July to held a mobilization meeting of 6S event. The meeting emphasized the significance and content of the 6S activities, arranged and implemented the tasks of each team, and included all aspects of plant greening, roads, canteens, etc., in the scope of activities, the time of the event is from July 10th to 20th, and on the last day of the event, the company inspected and evaluated the performance of each team, and praised and presented the outstanding team.

Through the implementation of 6S activities, employees can gradually improve their understanding of 6S, and they can also receive the following results: First, to improve production labor efficiency. Second, to keep the production site in a good state at all times, improve the management level of the enterprise, create a comfortable and good working environment for employees, and enhance the image of the company. Third, to ensure safe production. Fourth, to avoid misuse of raw materials and improve product quality.

Therefore, at the event awards meeting, QA director Harish once again stressed that 6S activities should not be just formal things, we need to imprint it deeply in our minds and put into action in our daily work and life.

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