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ndian Company ofGreatoo Hosts World Environment Day Event


Environmental protection is a serious and eternal topic. It reflects the understanding and attitude of people all over the world on environmental issues, and also expresses humanity's longing for and pursuit of a beautiful environment. On June 5th, the World Environment Day, more than 400 employees of the Indian subsidiary concentrated on the flag-raising square and held the "World Environment Day Theme Oath " to jointly protect the environment and build a green home.

The environmental theme of 2018 is “Rejecting Plastics”, which calls on all countries in the world to work together to fight the problem of disposable plastic pollution. The manager of the theme event, Sathish, introduced to all employees that plastic pollution is everywhere, and most of the plastic packaging we use will always exist and eventually flow into the ocean. All walks of life need to focus on the concept of harmonious coexistence and green development between man and nature, starting from small things around the world, jointly fulfilling environmental responsibility and caring for environmental quality. Later, the heads of various departments made speeches and statements, and the participants took the oath. Finally, the company distributed small saplings for the employees, so that everyone can grow on their own and contribute to the environment.

This environmental day theme event made employees fully aware that the earth is the common home of humans and other species.Although the era of extinction of species on the earth has been greatly accelerated and the environment has been destroyed due to human past deforestation, devastation and fishing, the environment has been destroyed, as long as we act together, we will be able to resolve the environmental crisis as soon as possible, and let the earth be a home with vitality of life again.

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