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Showing Youth's Charm in Youth Day


Youth Day is a festival for young people. In order to care for the growth of young employees and display their sincere, optimistic and positive outlook, on May 4th, as an outstanding enterprise in the industrial park, Greatoo (Guangzhou) Robots and Intelligent Manufacturing Co.,Ltd. was invited to organize high-quality single employees to participate in  networking event, which is jointly organized by the Development Zone Financial Group Youth League Committee and Guangzhou Kylin Property Management Co.,Ltd.

The event kicked off with beautiful music, and the young talents who participated in the event introduced themselves into a colorful and interactive part of the game, where they fully demonstrated themselves and enhanced mutual understanding. During the interactive process, our company’s employees were polite and generous, and they won first place in the game with quick response, high cohesiveness and outstanding performance during the game, showing the good image of the staff.

In a relaxed and happy atmosphere, everyone made friends with each other and enjoyed a happy holiday together. This event not only enhanced the interaction and communication between employees of the company, but also improved the staff's satisfaction and sense of belonging to the company. In the future, the company will, as always, pay attention to the growth of employees, understand the needs of employees, solve the concerns of employees, implement the corporate philosophy and use “love” to promote the growth of both companies and employees!

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