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The 2017 Annual Summary and Commendation Meeting of Greatoo (Guangzhou) Robots and Intelligent Manufacturing Co.,Ltd. was Held Smoothly

On February 8th, the 2017 annual summary and commendation meeting of Greatoo (Guangzhou) Robots and Intelligent Manufacturing Co.,Ltd. was held in the company's workshop display area. And the meeting was chaired by director Hong Runlong. General manager Yang Xiaojun, consultant Jiang Qiulin, deputy general manager Guo Yingbin, deputy general manager Bi Hui and all staff of the institute participated in the conference.

At the meeting, general manager Yang first summarized the work of Greatoo (Guangzhou) Robots and Intelligent Manufacturing Co.,Ltd. in 2017, and also adjusted the “four requirements” proposed by the 2016 summary conference and advocated participants to work around the new “four requirements”: specialization, standardization, globalization, and servitization. General manager Yang emphasized "servitization" and stated that the core value of the robot is to create value for the customer, as well as analyzed the company's development, and call on employees to change their thinking mode to find a broader space.
In his speech, Jiang Qiulin consultant congratulated the company on the progress made in various aspects in the past three years, and elaborated on the strategic development plan of the board of directors and its heavy expectations placed on the subsidiary in Guangzhou. He encouraged the participants to clearly define their own position, enhance their personal strength, and better develop their talents on the big stage of Greatoo. General Manager Wu Haibo gave a brief report on the progress of the project of the Greatoo science city project base. At the same time, he encouraged the participants to work hard and make great achievements. And then, managers of each department briefly report on the work in 2017 and outline the work plan for 2018.
Then, the director, Hong Runlong read out the commendation decision. Through the recommendation of the heads of departments, and the discussions of the General Office, Controller Team of R&D Dept won the “Advanced Collective” honorable title, Polishing & Grinding Team of Engineering Dept and Implementation Team of Engineering Dept received the honorary title of “Excellent Operation Group”, and Lin Biao, Zhong Junjie, Yi Wenju and Li Juan were honored as "excellent employees". Leaders awarded trophies and bonuses to award-winning employees and employee representatives.
The outstanding employee representatives shared their work experience and sentiment of the past year. They expressed their sincere gratitude to the company's working conditions and scientific research platforms. They also expressed that they would continue to work hard in the next year and make greater contributions to the transformation and upgrading of our company.

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