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Fighting in Table Tennis Sport

Exercise is of great significance for life, the benefit of exercise is not only for physical, but also to make a person in fresh mind. Therefore, in order to motivate employees to do exercise and cultivate healthy physical and mental state, on September 29, the Greatoo (Guangzhou) Research Institute held an exciting table tennis match.

It set singles project in this competition, and the one win three times first will win the game, what’s more, it determine the game sequence and competition opponents in accordance with the scene lottery way. In the course of the game, the players have shown tenacious struggle of the athletic spirit, they are flexible and calm, and the audience cheered excitedly. In the end, Ni Feng won the championship with his superb skill; Li Shihua and Li Weidong are the second and third winner in contest.

We also invited the professional players Lin Xidong coach to have a friendly match with our company table tennis in the contest, both sides have the excellent skill, they not only learn the skills from each others, but also become a major attraction of the game. As we can see, the table tennis kept touching, rotating, falling, straight shot, horizontal beat, spike, rotating ball and so on, which was shown in the match, and the audience all applauded for it. After the game, the synthetic office awarded trophies and prizes for the winners, and took photos for memory with the winners on behalf of the company leadership.
Victory affirmed our level and the failure stimulated our morale. The competition not only shows the look and spirit of the contestants, but also provides a platform for the employees to communicate with each other. This spirit will add new vitality to the Greatoo and become a beautiful landscape of the company.

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