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To Gather theTalents to Create the Glory of the Enterprise—The Founding Conference ofAssociationfor Science and Technology was Held

In order to promote technological progress, technological innovation, science and technology popularization and promotion of the Greatoo (Guangzhou) Robot and Intelligent Manufacturing Co., Ltd., to promote the growth and improvement of talent, the implementation of innovation-driven development strategy, to unite and mobilize the scientific and technological personnels, On August 8, the establishment of Association for Scienceand Technology of Greatoo (Guangzhou) Robot and Intelligent Manufacturing Co., Ltd. was held in Greatoo(Guangzhou) Research Institute. Vice president of Guangzhou Science and Technology Association He Zhiqing and researcher Liang Gaofeng; executive director of the Guangdong Provincial Robot Association Ren Yutong; chairman of Science and Technology Association of Guangzhou Huangpu District Feng Xinrong and secretary Li Xueguang and other leaders came to attend the meeting.

At the meeting, the general manager of Greatoo(Guangzhou) Research Institute, Yang Yujunmade a speech of "the report of the preparatory work ", In addition, the thearticles of association, the list of candidates on the first session of the Commission and the election regulation were taken into deliberation and passed in the end. And then, the the first plenary session of the committee of Association for Science and Technology was held , at this meeting, Yang Yujun, general manager of the company was elected as chairman, director of Research and Development Department Bi Hui as vice chairman and secretary, and the director of Research and Development Department Li Jiecheng as deputy secretary. Subsequently, the awarding ceremony was carried out by the vice chairman of Guangzhou Association of Science and Technology He Zhiqing.
As the newly elected chairman of the Association for Science and Technology, Yang, general manager, expressed his pleasure and responsibility. In his speech, he highlighted the importance of implementing the innovation-driven development strategy, calling on the scientific and technological personnel to follow the pace of the times, and actively participate in enterprise science and technology innovation. Yang said the association will be committed to create a comfortable, good association environment for all members, to guide the members of the association to play their own valuein response to the "double innovation" program of the board of directors. At the same time, we will continue to expand the scale of the Association for science and technology, strengthen the construction of qualified personnel, always follow the national industrial policy, play the power of grassroots organizations to make due contributions for the country's economic development.
Vice chairman of the Guangzhou Municipal Association of Science and Technology, He Zhiqing, chairman of the Guangdong Provincial Robot Association Ren Yutong made their speech, they not only sincerely congratulated the establishment of the association, but also highly appreciated the company's development philosophy, that is to continue to expand the scale of talent, as well as the company’s program of "double innovation ". At the same time, chairman of Guangzhou Huangpu District Association of Science and Technology Feng Xinrong, also said that the association is a bridge between science and technology workers, as well as an important force to promote scientific and technological progress. The association should focus on scientific and technological progress, fully mobilize the enthusiasm of scientific and technological personnel, listen to the suggestions of them, and safeguard the rights and interests of members, and to establish a new brand of Greatoofirmly.
As we all know, development requires innovation and innovation requiresbringing the agglomeration effect of science and technology talents into full play. As Yang said, science and technology workers have become the source of the development of the company, they are of great significance to promote enterprise scientific and technological progress and improve economic efficiency. Theestablishment of the Association for Science and Technologyis bound to make Greatoohave more development advantagesin the intelligent manufacturing industry, and create another glory.

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