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To Strengthen the festival safetycontrol and create a factory culture atmosphere

In order to strengthen the safety management of the company, to further strengthen the awareness of fire safety, improve the fire fighting capacity of the beginning to protect the factory festivals fire safety, on May 1, our company have a fire safety drills in the Zhanqian factory.
The contents of this exercise is the factory workshop outside the beginning of the fire fire extinguishing exercise,which was organized by the Security Office micro-fire station team outside the workshop in thesouth of the Zhanqian factory .Before the start of the exercise, the safety office gathered the drillers in front of the factory micro-fire station, and led them to visit our micro-fire station, introduced the company's micro-fire station equipment and fire safety training, fire prevention and control, safety standardization work to clear the purpose and content of the exercise.Subsequently, the micro-fire station captain Huang Haizhong demonstrated  the method of using all kinds of fire supplies and equipment, put out the fire early rapid response skills, and guided the players to operate fire water guns,water and other fire fighting equipment in the field , strengthen all types of fire Equipment, practical skills, and exercise use skills of team members .

After the completion of the exercise project and fire equipment operation, the exercise began.In accordance with the requirements of the exercise program, after the release of the exercise signal, micro-fire station members immediately wear fire protection equipment to carry fire equipment, by the use of on-site transport vehicles to carry out quickly , through the walkie-talkie to the monitoring room to determine the exact location and reach the fire scene.After the arrival of the scene, the players quickly organized to save, on the one hand they block the fire scene to prevent people into the fire area, on the other hand, the use of water guns connected to the scene of the outdoor fire hydrant, with fire extinguishers to extinguish the fire. The process is compact and orderly, and complete all the rescue work in the required time, to achieve the rapid impact of the initial fire effect, which made this exercise a successful conclusion.

Holiday is the best time for people to travel and enjoy the entertainment, but it is also an important time node for security precautions. Therefore, it is the key to keep the safety and stability of the factory.During the May Day holiday, we will continue to strengthen the inspection work on holiday safety and carry out high-frequency inspection of the safety status of each area of the factory . At the same time, through this festival exercise ,it accumulated experience of dealing with sudden fire events for our fire rescue team , to ensure that the emergency response to the first time to make an effective response, which reflects our company adhere to the safety management in the first place, and the attitude of paying great attention of the festival safety control .

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