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The Greatoo Celebrates Dragon Boat Festival


In order to celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival, the canteens of the company produced dumplings.As we can see,in the May 27, 2017 (Lunar New Year in May), staff help center together with the Executive Office and Outreach Office,held free distribution of dumplings activities in all the cafeteria of the company, warm up the Dragon Boat Festival in advance,which made employees feel the festive atmosphere.

In order to ensure the smooth development of activities, the staff came to the various activities in advance to maintain order.As we can see,fragrant dumplings have been cooked by the chef, the smell of the of bamboo can be smelled as soon as we walk into the cafeteria, which make people have a poor appetite.With the arrival of the meal time, every employee received a free dumplings, and feel very happy. Although it is a small dumplings, but also represents the company's love and blessings of the staff, so that everyone in the busy work, can feel the warmth of home.

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