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Greatoo 2016 annual recognition of the General Assembly was held


In the afternoon of January 16,Greatoo 2016 annual recognition of the General Assembly was held in the training center of Longgang Road factory building.Wu Hao Vice President, Director Chen Zhiyong, General Manager Hongze Bin, Director of Wu Yingxiong, Director Xie Jinming attended the meeting,presented banners and prizes for the winning units and individuals, and took pictures with the winning representatives.

At the meeting, Director Wu Yingxiong read the document "on the recognition of the award of the advanced collective and outstanding individuals in 2016", and extended warm congratulations to the units and individuals.

The meeting honored 5 advanced collectives, namely, human resources department, wheel mold equipment department, rubber machine technology department, international quality management office, robot business department; 11 advanced operation groups , and 65 excellent staff .

Winning delegates came to the stage under the announcement of the host,and after the ceremony, advanced collective representatives and outstanding staff representatives made speech in the General Assembly warm applause.On behalf of all the winners, they expressed their heartfelt thanks to the concern of the company leaders and the support of all the colleagues,and said the results of the past year can not do without the company to provide a good working environment and a good team work atmosphere.The award will be the catalyst  of courageously fighting in the future, inspired all the staff to settle problems around the company's business objectives.

Subsequently,Hongze Bin,the tire mold business unit general manager, came to power speech:due to the market environment,the company's industry is facing unprecedented challenges in 2016,and the key to improving the operating status of tire molds is to improve internal management capabilities, product quality and customer service capabilities.What’s more,in order to reverse the situation, the Department of the wheel model set out "technology-leading, efficiency-driven, lean-based" three strategic themes and "layout of the international market high-end,manufacturing intelligence, professional management, product brand "five strategic initiatives.Hong,the general manager, called the outstanding staff,who as the leader of various positions, have the courage to assume the responsibility of the company transformation and upgrading, to lead more staff partners reserve capacity, homeopathy and grasp the transformation and upgrading of the development opportunities, continue to carry forward the spirit of excellence craftsmen.

Finally, Vice President Wu Hao expressed sincere wishes and warm congratulations to the award-winning departments and staff on behalf of the company's board of directors and the president of the office.Wu said: 2017 will be one year for the company to upgrade and optimize the industry,we call on all the staff to learn from all the winners here.Looking back 2016, the company in response to market changes, to promote industrial restructuring, around the four "one" to shape the happy Greatoo , which can not be separated from the wisdom and efforts of everyone, not only the winners, but also all the conscientious collective and individuals should win Applause and encouragement.
2016 is a year when company in the face of domestic high-end manufacturing opportunities and challenges, and also a year to promote the development of intelligent equipment industry,so our company is fully rewarding advanced collectives and excellent employees.I believe that under the correct leadership of the board,all the staff will continue to unite and strive to forge ahead, so that Greatoo will make another glory!

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