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Strengthening Epidemic Prevention and Control to Ensure Safe Production


Recently, based on the national epidemic of Corona Virus Disease 2019 and the situation of enterprises returning to work after the Spring Festival, relevant government departments have organized a series of safety inspections of enterprises at all levels. On the morning of February 14, the Guangdong Fire Supervision Team accompanied by the Jiedong District Fire Brigade came to our company to carry out post-holiday fire safety inspections. Our company's vice president Wu Yingxiong chaired the inspection.

During this inspection, the provincial fire supervision team first listened to the report on the fire safety management work of our company after the holiday. Vice president Wu demonstrated the implementation of our company's production safety management and fire management work, and the company's various epidemic prevention and control work during the epidemic. Subsequently, the provincial fire supervision team inspected the fire safety management in the canteens and dormitories of our company. The experts of the team inspected the evacuation routes, safety exits, fire-fighting electrical equipment, and fire-fighting equipment in each area, safety education columns, as well as the management of micro-fire stations. What’s more, they learned more about our post-holiday fire safety education, fire safety after returning to work, and daily duty inspections, etc., and affirmed the fire safety management work of our company after the holiday. In addition, seeing the details of our employees' motorcycles with the same specifications, same style crossed out, partitioned, neatly arranged, they also lamented the uniqueness and high quality of our corporate culture.

Since the occurrence of Corona Virus Disease 2019, our company responded quickly to the severe epidemic situation, and immediately established an epidemic prevention and control emergency management team, devoted itself to epidemic prevention and control, and tracked and monitored the physical condition of employees and equipped with protective equipment such as masks, carried out various key areas of daily disinfection, prevented staff  from gathering and other prevention and control management work to prevent virus input. At the same time, in order to ensure various production orders during the epidemic prevention and control period, responsible personnel were organized to conduct daily exclusion inspections in various regions before the resumption of work, strictly controlled and tracked the physical health of employees from other provinces and cities, and added regional epidemic prevention and various safety protective equipment. The safety education on resumption of work is carried out layer by layer, the status of various machine tools and equipment is inspected, and the business units are instructed to do the work of resuming work and resuming production to ensure that the epidemic safety management and production safety are synchronized at the same time after the company resumes work.

People-oriented and prevention-oriented is the most important part of our safety management policy. In this current epidemic situation, to ensure the health and safety of the company's employees, and to ensure the safety of production in the factory area, is the responsibility of the company and all the staff. In the future, the company will continue to strengthen on-site management and control, ensure the production order in the factory area, and create a safe and secure working environment for company employees!

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