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The 8th General Assembly of Greatoo College Students Association was Successfully Held

On May 29th, the 8th General Assembly of the Greatoo College Students Association was held in the audio-visual training room on the second floor of the intelligent workshop of Zhanqian Road factory. The meeting was attended by the chairman of the labor union, the administrative manpower director Wu Yingxiong, the deputy director of the Administrative Office, Liao Buyun, chairman of Staff Support Center, Cai Hongyu, as well as Xie Xiaomin, the editor-in-chief of the Greatoo Newspaper, Chen Xudong, the president of the General Assembly, Liu Jielong, the vice president, and Qiu Yixin, the secretary-general, and more than 100 members.
The meeting was well organized and officially opened in the opening speech of the host Su Xiangbin. The meeting was divided into ten agendas, which were mainly divided into four parts.
First of all, Chen Xudong, the president, made a seventh working report of the College Students Association. President Chen summarized the activities and work plans of the 2017-2019 Annual General Assembly and its actual completion. It is roughly divided into three main contents: 1. Improve the organization's management structure and standardize the work system process; 2. Introduce innovative talent recommendation model; 3. Build a multi-activity platform. Secondly, he indicated that under the guidance of the company's business development strategy and adhering to the principle of serving the employees, the association will continuous innovate, and double the over-achieving corporate culture construction activities in 2018, including the addition of the "Shengteng Cup" basketball game, the "Halloween Masked Singing" competition and the "Standardization and Lean Management Exchange Salon", which have been widely praised by the company's employees. In the end, he said that, in the future, association will take advantage of the trend, broaden its thinking, boldly innovate, and work harder to create a colorful cultural platform for the members. Subsequently, Qiu Yixin, the secretary general, made the seventh annual financial revenue and expenditure report to all members of the meeting.
Then the meeting entered the second session, and director Wu Yingxiong presented the awards to the top three winners of the 7th Active Member of the Association, Jiang Jiaqian, Wang Ping and Xu Zhoubiao. After the awarding ceremony, Jiang Jiaqian said: "Opportunity is achieved by ourselves. Active learning and trying are the first steps to success, and we call on everyone to give full play to their vitality and innovative spirit and be proactive."
Then, the meeting entered the voting session: General Assembly is invited to review the Revised Version of the 2019 Constitution of the College Student Association and the Candidate Nominee for the 8th Committee of the College Student Association. Under the supervision of the company's leaders, the concept of fairness, impartiality and openness, all the participants at the scene voted by hand. The Revised Version of the 2019 Constitution of the College Student Association and the Candidate Nominee for the 8th Committee of the College Student Association won more than two-thirds of the number of people on the scene, and the scene came into effect immediately. At the same time, the new members adopted innovative methods. The members elected by the on-site committee voted to elect the president, vice president and secretary-general of the 8th Congress, and Chen Xudong, who was elected by more than two-thirds of the votes, was elected. What’s more, Liu Jielong is the vice president and Chen Xiuhui is the secretary general. Then, the host invited the new secretary-general, Chen Xiuhui, to make a speech. She said: "Whether the new members of the committee or other members of the federation, we should cherish the opportunity to show ourselves and serve the association, to be hard-working and strict with ourselves to achieve more."
Finally, Director Wu Yingxiong made a final summary. Director Wu first affirmed the hard work and achievements of the previous session of the committee, and expressed his sincere congratulations to the new members of the committee. Then, he put Huawei and Kodak for example, tell us that, in the ever-changing social development situation, Huawei has been leading the industry in technical discourse and is still standing under the threat of bullying in the United States, mainly depending on its independent innovation and forward-looking crisis management awareness. Advocate all members to "prepare for the contingency, plan for the response, and hold the team." For members with high academic qualifications and high skills, they should continue to improve their professional skills and professionalism, and adapt to the development needs of the company and society with new era, new ideas and new actions. Finally, Mr. Wu advocates that all members work together to build a "knowledge-type, dynamic, innovative" association to achieve a win-win situation for individuals and companies!
The director's speech has a long-term focus and is memorable. We believe that the new members will be down-to-earth, united, help each other, innovate, and will not disappoint the high expectations of Director Wu and all members. We will stand at a new starting point in the new era and write a new chapter!

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