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Summary and Commendation Meeting of the First Phase of the


On the morning of November 24th, the management training course for cadres - the last section of the "Self-Strength Program" training course summary meeting, was held at the training center on the fourth floor of the office building of Longgang Road factory. More than 100 people including company's senior leaders, pipeline leaders, middle-level cadres, technical backbones and employees attended the event.

With the support of the board of directors, the first phase of the “Self-Strength Program” began on August 3 this year and lasted for 4 months. It was carried out every week. The instructor’s personal lectures and video demonstrations were completed. The six-course curriculum covers ideas, business management, legal knowledge, financial knowledge, and current affairs hotspots. It is rich in content and colorful. There is a total of 16 courses, in the form of instructors to teach, video demonstrations, etc. And the content is rich, covering ideas, business management, legal knowledge, financial knowledge, current affairs and hotspots, which fully implemented the requirements of Chairman Wu at the opening ceremony for the training, that is, to comprehensively improve ability of learning, management and execution of management team.

The training was also the last course of the first phase of the "Self-Strength Program". Greatoo College specially invited Chairman Wu to give a lecture on "Ten Habits of Greatoo". Chairman Wu mentioned that the company is facing a severe market environment and its internal execution has declined. Combining the form of "army + school + family", the core management concepts of company in the new era, the chairman emphasized the importance of ten good habits of Greatoo, that is, learn to obey, care others, improve efficiency, be responsibility, persevere in diligence, work hard, keep communication, make feedback, summary and strive to be frugal.

Good habits are of great importance, and every employee needs to understand and fully follow ten habits of Greatoo, because there are countless examples in the company's development process to prove its correctness. At the 2015 Dabei Mountain Conference, the Board of Directors established 16 effective resolutions to proactively indicate the company's development path in the next few years. However, the overall situation of company is not so ideal in recent years. It is because the resolutions were not effectively implemented, and everyone did not implement the obedience. In the face of new eras and new challenges, in order for the company to develop, it must emphasize obedience, emphasizing the style of the military, the wrists of the army, and the discipline requirements of the military. Obedience is an attitude, is the first source of work efficiency. The efficiency habits of the ten habits require us to establish several kinds of consciousness: planning, foresight and responsibility, and the construction of Greatoo (China&Germany) fully reflected these kinds of consciousness. It took only nine months from the start of the project to the official start of production. The plan is rigorous, scientific and effective, and the task is completed in a short period of time, with the right method, which is of great guiding significance for our work.

During the speech, Wu mentioned the company's development strategy, business direction, corporate management, work style, and personal character cultivation, to encourage and guide all students to think deeply.

Chairman Wu’s wonderful speech announced that the four-month "Self-Strength Program" training was successfully completed. Subsequently, the meeting summarized and awarded the training. And then, vice president Chen Zhiyong read the "Procedures on Establishing the Academic Committee of the Greatoo" on the spot. The document pointed out that in order to further improve the work level and academic level of the college, the college decided to set up an academic committee whose main task is to discuss the important affairs and work planning, etc., and report to the board of directors, as well as discuss and determine the work of the Journal of Greatoo Institute.  It is worth mentioning that as a symbol of the Greatoo Institute, the Journal of Greatoo Institute was officially published in September this year. Chairman Wu personally wrote a foreword, bringing together outstanding ideas, professional theories, technical achievements, management methods, etc. at all levels of the company, which make a big fuss in academic and professional, have great quality content, and have achieved good response once published. Hong Fu, on behalf of the academic committee, said: "Journal of Greatoo Institute aims to enhance our ability to understand problems, study problems and solve problems, gather the essence of the company's thinking, and inject spiritual power into the company's development. The main purpose of the establishment of the academic committee is to do a good job in the construction of the Institute and Journal of Greatoo Institute. We should set an example in these two aspects, mobilize all employees, work together to build a spiritual and cultural home of the Greatoo and foster spiritual achievements. "

At the same time, the meeting also commended and awarded the six activist members of the "Self-Strength Program", Shi Guidong, Li Xiaobin, Lin Daochong, Lin Wenjia, Li Jiecheng and Huang Yibiao. And president Wu sent certificates and prizes to these comrades.

The first phase of the "Self-Strength Program" training was over, but the self-improvement journey of the Greatoo person has just started, let us work together, strive for self-improvement and the development of Greatoo.

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