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Indian Company Carried Out Donation Activities


Donation activity is a tradition of the Greatoo Indian company, and every year we organize employees to carry out donation activities. This year's activities receive the response and support of the staff as usual. On the day of the event, Miss Selvi of the Administrative Office visited all the departments of the company with a donation box, and was warmly received by all departments.

Finally, we raised more than 10,000 rupees for the purchase of daily necessities such as candy, gas stoves, electric fans, and donated to a local orphanage. In the orphanage, the staff gave the candy to the children and do some games with them. The human manager, Mr. Sathish, also told the story of the development of the Greatoo, encouraging them to study hard and repay the care of others. With our arrival, the orphanage was very lively, and the children’s innocent laughter sounded from time to time. After the condolences, the company leaders also had a cordial conversation with the head of the hospital to further understand their needs and said that the company will continue to support and help them in the future.

This donation event reflects the spirit of the company's concern for public welfare, the courage to undertake social responsibility, and the selfless dedication of the society. At the same time, it also brings the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation to other countries!

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