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Indian Company of Greatoo Conducts Equipment Maintenance Training Activities

Equipment is the hardware facility for the survival and development of enterprises, and equipment management is also an important part of enterprise management. If a worker wants to do something good, he must first sharpen his tools. Only by strengthening the maintenance and management of equipment can we make full use of the best performance of it, what’s more, we should continuously improve the operating state of the equipment, extend the service life of the equipment, and obtain better economic benefits for the enterprise.

Therefore, Indian company of Greatoo held a 10-day equipment maintenance and training activity from September 20th. It carried out all-round training on the safe operation, maintenance and other aspects of the equipment commonly used in the production of the first line, and required the operator to do a good job on clean, wipe, and lubricate daily maintenance to improve equipment operation efficiency. Mr. Suresh, the person in charge of the equipment, stressed at the training kick-off meeting that individual operators unilaterally believe that equipment maintenance will waste time and reduce production, so it is rejected when it comes to equipment maintenance, and even some people think that equipment maintenance is a work of maintenance worker, and it doesn't have much to do with myself. These are all wrong. We must change our mindset and firmly establish the awareness that "the operator is the first person responsible for the daily maintenance of equipment", operators should strengthen the management of equipment, and jointly protect the "weapons" of the company’s production and development.
Through ten days of training, employees have a deeper understanding of the importance of equipment maintenance. Only by paying attention to inspection, adjustment and repair of equipment can we effectively reduce equipment degradation, reduce sudden failures, and restore equipment accuracy, and to insure the company's production is carried out normally and orderly.

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