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2018 Staff Assistance Center Annual Conference and the 7th Staff Representative Conference

On the afternoon of September 18th, the 2018 Staff Assistance Center Annual Conference and the 7th Staff Representative Conference were held as scheduled in the audio-visual training room on the second floor of the intelligent workshop of Zhanqian Road factory. All members of the 6th Staff Assistance Center Committee, the 7th member candidate and more than 100 employee representatives attended the meeting. Wu Yingxiong, the company's administrative manpower director, attended and delivered a speech.
Xie Hao, the chairman of the 6th Staff Assistance Center, first gave a work report to the conference on behalf of the Center. The report pointed out: In the past two years, with the support of the company's board of directors and the leadership of the trade unions, the Staff Assistance Center has gradually improved internal management and improved the role of the functions. The committee members have their own responsibilities, do their best to do their best work, and play the role of helping platform. Handling employee appeals; insisting on doing practical things for all employees, carrying out many activities such as employee condolences and family care, for example, the series of condolences and activities in Spring Festival for employees and their family members from other provinces and cities; the female employees' activities in March 8th; and employee's children's academic achievement outstanding scholarship activities, helping them to attend quality schools; Father's Day activities; annual satisfaction surveys and participation in assisting new staff training and so on. In the past two years, the core team of the Staff Assistance Center adhered to the guidelines of "serving employees wholeheartedly", and handled the problems of employee, carried out a series of activities to continuously improve. He hopes that the new team can further improve the effectiveness and level of work, and be a strong backing of employees.
The conference adopted an anonymous voting method to elect 29 candidates recommended by the company's departments. Eleven members of the 7th Staff Assistance Center were elected, including one chairman and one deputy chairman, three remaining members, two new members and five alternate members. Subsequently, the main committee of the new center voted, Cai Hongyu and Chen Bingbing were elected as the chairman and deputy chairman.
Cai Hongyu, the new chairman of the committee, said that he would work with the members of the Staff Assistance Center under the guidance of the company's trade unions, and expand the help content on a down-to-earth basis, enhance the strength of help and improve the effectiveness of help, provide more comprehensive service to the staff.
At the end of the conference, director Wu Yingxiong delivered an inspiring speech. Mr. Wu pointed out that the Staff Assistance Center has always practiced the company's "people-oriented" values, adhering to the main purpose of doing good deeds, and is committed to helping employees with difficulties and helping employees to feedback their voices. He summarized the work of the Staff Assistance Center with the word of cultivation, and explained the connotation of it to the participants in detail. In his speech, director Wu fully affirmed the work of the previous session of the committee, and also expressed the high hopes and confidence placed on the new members of the committee. I hope that everyone will live up to the expectations of the company and the employees, and give full play to the center. The role of this platform is to better promote the harmonious development of the company and work hard to build a happy Greatoo.
Finally, the conference discussed and voted through the charter of Staff Assistance Center (revised edition 2018) and successfully concluded.

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